Thanks that u have thought of reminding us about our Hero. He did everything that he could to safeguard our lives and country as whole but we never knew. A la prochaine.
J. C.
Thanks that u have thought of reminding us about our Hero. He did everything that he could to safeguard our lives and country as whole but we never knew. A la prochaine.
J. C.
Ku ya 6/4/1994 twari duteraniye k’umuturanyi turi 6. Umwe muri
C’est avec des larmes aux yeux que je viens de
Mpisemo kuvuga mu Kinyarwanda. Perezida Habyarimana akimara gufata ubutegetsi numviiseko
Nous sommes en 1991, la guerre a été déclenchée contre